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Food Solutions - Processing4Health

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Processing4Health: Designing and developing new health-promoting and shelf-stable processed food products.

Food processing is crucial for the production of safe, diverse, tasty and fitting the energetic current lifestyle. Yet processed and shelf-stable foods are often perceived as unhealthy or harmful by consumers, although in many cases it is a misconception.
The food industry is also striving for the development of new and improved food products which provide added and beneficial nutritional values. Let’s change consumer health and perception and join the Food Solution project Processing4Health!
Teams of students from various academic levels, areas of expertise, and country of origin will focus on the design, development, business and marketing of new health-promoting shelf-stable processed food products.
The teams will be guided by academic and industrial partners and will be mentored and educated by the leading experts on entrepreneurship, business creation, and food engineering.
The program spans between March-December 2022, a total of a few hours per week.


The programme takes place over 8.5 months and will require a few hours a week from students on average.

March 2022: Programme kick off and introduction to the challenge and entrepreneurship.

April – June: Working in teams to develop a solution and prototype with feedback from industry experts at regular check-ins.

September – December: Finalising solutions and prototypes in teams, completing final assignments and pitching at the final gala.

Prizes will be awarded to winning teams at the final gala events at the end of the programme in December 2022.


  • Co-creation and collaboration competencies (including problem solving and critical thinking)
  • Leadership, networking and communication skills
  • International teamwork
  • Connections with food industry experts in Europe
  • Cutting edge knowledge in the relevant topics, such as food product development, processing, food safety, marketing, and more.
  • Entrepreneurial innovation skills
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