RIS Inspire – HealthySoil4Life
Tanulmányok helye | Online |
Típus | Inspire, e-learning |
Névleges időtartam | 10 napok |
Tanulmányok nyelve | angol |
Jelentkezési díj | 61,50 EUR egyszeri Waivers may apply. If you wish to know more contact ana.silva@food4sustainability.org or soraia.silva@food4sustainability.org Including VAT. |
Felvételi követelmény | Alapképzés (vagy magasabb) |
Területi követelmények | Jelentkezések elfogadva az alábbi területekről (állampolgárság alapján): Albánia, Amerika északi része, Bosznia-Hercegovina, Bulgária, Ciprus, Csehország, Francia Guyana, Guadeloupe, Görögország, Horvátország, Izrael, Lengyelország, Lettország, Litvánia, Magyarország, Martinique, Mayotte, Montenegró, Málta, Olaszország, Portugália, Románia, Réunion, Saint Martin, Spanyolország, Szerbia, Szlovákia, Szlovénia, Törökország, Ukrajna, Észtország. |
Nyelvi követelmények | angol Good communication in English, both written and spoken |
További információ |
Over a period of 3 weeks, the programme provides you a dynamic and supportive environment for you to develop your knowledge on soil health, soil microbiology, eco-friendly farming practices towards sustainable and climate farming agriculture while contributing to business creation on food wealth.
During the 3 weeks, the programme will take place online with a combination of asynchronous and learning resources and live (synchronous) interactive virtual sessions:
Module 1: What is soil health?
Introduction to the challenges in soil health, sustainable agriculture and bio-based fertilizers.
- Importance of Soil Health in food production and main challenges
- Why is soil a dynamic entity?
- Soil formation, functions and threats – the Physical & Chemical properties
- The role of microbes in nutrient cycling, plant growth and food production: Mycorrhizal – Unlocking the secret ingredient?
- NextGen of bio-based enhancers:
A) PGPB (plant growth promoting bacteria) – From soil health to crop yield: the potential application of biofertilizers.
B) Biocontrol. What is it and how it can be used?
Module 2: The Soil, how to look after it?
Sustainable soil practices: Farming smarter, not harder: reducing inputs and boosting the farm’s bottom line
Module 3: Tools to assess soil health
The state of the art for soil health assessment.
- Soil health assessment: quantitative tools. Conventional and Next generation Sequencing (NGS) and enzymatic analyses
- Soil health assessment: hands on. Microbes know no boundaries: case studies of microbiome diversity across regions
Entrepreneurial learning will be transversal to all school modules. Please see the full agenda for more detailed information.
Monday 28th July –1st August (By invitation only)
Eco-Week in the village of Penha Garcia (Portugal) in the GeoPark awarded by UNESCO
Introduction of the Entrepreneurial Week; Presentation of case studies and major challenges; Sustainable Business Models, Pitch design and training; On-site visits: the worldwide famous BOOM Festival, Real Idanha, and Herdade do Vale Feitoso.
Subjects: Microbiome; Biocontrol; Biofertilizers; Mycorrhizae; Soil Health & Nutrition; Applied Cases; Develop your business
Price €61.5 for the full course (Including VAT). Waivers may apply.
ECTS: ECTS apply. Please contact the program manager for more details.
Applications clearly made solely using AI text generation and un-proof read will not be accepted and rejected.
Training in entrepreneurship on Soil Health and sustainable practices for the agrifood sector you can create career opportunities as a university student, early career researcher or young entrepreneur:
- By completing your plan of studies in agronomy, biology, and related fields.
- Through the creation of start-ups based on the ideas developed during the summer school programme.
- By bringing your own agrifood businesses ideas to launch or scale
- By boosting your chances of being employed by start-ups, SME´s and bigger companies across the sustainable food system.
- By improving your chances of being employed in local, national, and international activities in administration, teaching and training.
- By improving your chances of being employed by NGOs and media companies.
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